How it works


Fill out & submit the order form

please use form to share details about your order.


Share your file links

Use form field to share links via Google Drive, DropBox etc. If necessary you can email us directly at


Finalize your purchase

Our team receives your order and begins working on your project.

Please complete and submit this form at the time of purchase. This will grant us access to the assets necessary for your project, as well as any specific instructions you may have.

Please share with us the basic purpose of your promo video.
This serves as a reference to our notes and ensures that we are fully aware of any logos or branding that may be relevant to your project
Please let us know if we are creating content for an upcoming event (pre) or if we are creating a promotional video purposed for sharing the highlights of a recent event (post)
Please provide links (i.e., Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) to the assets you will be sharing with us for producing your content. You may also email us directly at:
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