How it works


Fill out & submit the order form

please use form to share details about your order.


Share your file links

Use form field to share links via Google Drive, DropBox etc. If necessary you can email us directly at


Finalize your purchase

Our team receives your order and begins working on your project.

Please complete and submit this form at the time of purchase. This will grant us access to the assets necessary for your project, as well as any specific instructions you may have.

Please include any special instructions that may assist us in creating your digital assets. These might include color preferences, branding guidelines etc.
Please add church or ministry info
Please provide any special instructions that may assist us in creating your digital assets. This could include preferences for: preferred colors , existing branding guidelines etc. You may also use this area to share file links if they are to large to upload below.
Note: If your files are too many or too large to upload here please share links via Google Drive, Dropbox, etc., in the "Special instructions" field above. Alternately you can email us directly at
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